ScheldeMonitor aims to make datasets comprehensible and accessible for all user groups. Therefore, data products are created from a series of data sets, freely usable by the users of the ScheldeMonitor portal. A distincition is made below between static products and interactive applications.
Static product gallery
This gallery contains a collection of data sets that are based on products in PDF and JPG formats. It consists of graphs, plots and maps made by ScheldeMonitor or a partner. These products are to be used freely, with adequate reference to the originator of the product.

Interactive apps
Recently, ScheldeMonitor and VLIZ created a series of interactive applications, made in R. These applications allow display of select data sets as plots, graphs and maps, making them more comprehensible for the user. Additionally, this page highlights several applications that were made by partners or data providers of the ScheldeMonitor. Products created via these apps can be used freely, with adequate reference to the originator of the application.