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Monitoring of radioactivity in the Netherlands. Surface water and seawater – results 2019
Tanzi, C.P.; Knetsch, G.J. (2021). Monitoring of radioactivity in the Netherlands. Surface water and seawater – results 2019. Rijksinstituut Voor Volksgezondheid En Milieu: Bilthoven. 26 pp.

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    Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open access 362361 [ download pdf ]

    Marine/Coastal; Brackish water; Fresh water
Author keywords
    radioactivity, surface water, seawater

Authors  Top 
  • Tanzi, C.P.
  • Knetsch, G.J.

    In 2019, the Netherlands fulfilled its annual European obligation to measure how much radioactivity is present in the environment. Radioactivity levels in surface water and seawater were similar to previous years. All countries of the European Union are required to perform these measurements each year under the terms of the Euratom Treaty of 1957. The Netherlands performs these measurements following the guidance issued in 2000. The measurements represent the background values for radioactivity that are present under normal circumstances. They can be used as reference values, for instance, during a nuclear emergency. The results on radioactivity in the environment are reported to the European Commission by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) on behalf of the competent authority in the Netherlands.

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