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Hyperspectral-reflectance dataset of dry, wet and submerged marine litter
Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S.; Strackx, G.; Mijnendonckx, J.; Moshtaghi, M.; Garaba, S.P.; Meire, D. (2021). Hyperspectral-reflectance dataset of dry, wet and submerged marine litter. ESSD 13(2): 713-730.

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    Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open access 361185 [ download pdf ]


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  • Moshtaghi, M., more
  • Garaba, S.P.
  • Meire, D., more

    This paper describes a dataset consisting of 47 hyperspectral-reflectance measurements of plastic litter samples. The plastic litter samples include virgin and real samples from the Port of Antwerp. They were measured in dry conditions in the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) calibration facility, and a selection of the samples were also measured in wet conditions and submerged in a water tank at Flanders Hydraulics. The construction on top of the tank allowed us to submerge the plastics and keep sediments in suspension. The spectral measurements were performed using an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) FieldSpec 4 and a Spectral Evolution (SEV) spectrometer. The datasets are available on the 4TU.ResearchData open-access repository (ASD dataset:, Knaeps et al., 2020; SEV dataset:; Garaba et al., 2020).

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