Distribution and ecotoxicity of chlorotriazines in the Scheldt Estuary (B-Nl)
Noppe, H.; Ghekiere, A.; Verslycke, T.; De Wulf, E.; Verheyden, K.; Monteyne, E.; Polfliet, K.; van Caeter, P.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H.F. (2007). Distribution and ecotoxicity of chlorotriazines in the Scheldt Estuary (B-Nl). Environ. Pollut. 147(3): 668-676. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2006.09.016
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Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 274039 [ download pdf ]
Documenttype: Congresbijdrage
Trefwoord |
Author keywords |
Endocrine disruptors; Mysids; Chlorotriazines; Atrazine; Simazine, Terbutylazine; Scheldt Estuary |
Auteurs | | Top |
- Verheyden, K., meer
- Monteyne, E., meer
- Polfliet, K.
- van Caeter, P., meer
- Janssen, C.R., meer
- De Brabander, H.F., meer
Abstract |
As part of the Endis-Risks project, the current study describes the occurrence of the chlorotriazine pesticides atrazine, simazine and terbutylazine in water, sediment and suspended matter in the Scheldt estuary (B-Nl) from 2002 to 2005 (3 samplings a year, 8 sampling points). Atrazine was found at the highest concentrations, varying from 10 to 736 ng/l in water and from 5 up to 10 ng/g in suspended matter. Simazine and terbutylazine were detected at lower concentrations. Traces of the targeted pesticides were also detected in sediments, but these were below the limit of quantification. As part of an ecotoxicological assessment, we studied the potential effect of atrazine on molting of Neomysis integer (Crustacea:Mysidacea), a resident invertebrate of the Scheldt Estuary and a proposed test organism for the evaluation of endocrine disruption. Following chronic exposure (~3 weeks), atrazine did not significantly affect mysid molting at environmentally relevant concentrations (up to 1 µg/l). |