Vorig instituut |
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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Diergeneeskunde; Vakgroep Veterinaire Volksgezondheid & Voedselveiligheid; Laboratorium voor Chemische Analyse (LCA), meer
Functie: Assistent
Projecten (2) |
Top | Publicaties | Projecten | Datasets |
- Endocriene verstoring in het Schelde-estuarium: distributie, blootstelling en effecten, meer
- Geïntegreerde risicoanalyse en monitoring van micropolluenten in Belgische kustwateren, meer
Datasets (2) |
Top | Publicaties | Projecten | Datasets |
- Laboratory of Chemical Analysis, Ugent. Belgium. INRAM. Concentrations of pharmaceuticals, diruon, isoproturon and endocrine disruptors in the Scheldt estuary, Belgian coastal harbours and Belgian coastal waters - SSD - Belgian Science Policy. Available online http://www.vliz.be/projects/inram/imers.php. [accessed on ‘date’], meer
- Noppe, H.; De Brabander, H.; De Wasch, K.; Laboratory for Chemical Analysis - Ugent, Belgium; (2006): Chemical analysis of estrogens, organochlorine and organonitrogen pesticides as possible endocrine disruptors Scheldt-estuary., meer
Publicaties (17) |
Top | Publicaties | Projecten | Datasets |
A1 publicaties (4) [show] |
- Wille, K.; Vanden Bussche, J.; Noppe, H.; De Wulf, E.; Van Caeter, P.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H.F.; Vanhaecke, L. (2010). A validated analytical method for the determination of perfluorinated compounds in surface-, sea- and sewagewater using liquid chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. 1217(43): 6616-6622. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2010.03.054, meer
- Noppe, H.; Ghekiere, A.; Verslycke, T.; De Wulf, E.; Verheyden, K.; Monteyne, E.; Polfliet, K.; van Caeter, P.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H.F. (2007). Distribution and ecotoxicity of chlorotriazines in the Scheldt Estuary (B-Nl). Environ. Pollut. 147(3): 668-676. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2006.09.016, meer
- Noppe, H.; Verslycke, T.; De Wulf, E.; Verheyden, K.; Monteyne, E.; van Caeter, P.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H.F. (2007). Occurrence of estrogens in the Scheldt estuary: a 2-year survey. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 66(1): 1-8. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2006.04.005, meer
- Noppe, H.; De Wasch, K.; Poelmans, S.; Van Hoof, N.; Verslycke, T.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H. (2005). Development and validation of an analytical method for detection of estrogens in water. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 382(1): 91-98. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00216-005-3174-8, meer
Boekhoofdstukken (2) [show] |
- Noppe, H.; De Wasch, K.; Poelmans, S.; Van Hoof, N.; Verslycke, T.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H. (2006). Development and validation of an analytical method for detection of estrogens in water, in: Noppe, H. Analytiek van hormoon verstorende stoffen in milieumatrices = Analytics of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental matrices. pp. 21-41, meer
- Noppe, H.; Verslycke, T.; De Wulf, E.; Verheyden, K.; Monteyne, E.; van Caeter, P.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H.F. (2006). Occurrence of estrogens in the Scheldt estuary: a 2-year survey, in: Noppe, H. Analytiek van hormoon verstorende stoffen in milieumatrices = Analytics of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental matrices. pp. 41-60, meer
Thesis [show] |
Noppe, H. (2006). Analytiek van hormoon verstorende stoffen in milieumatrices = Analytics of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental matrices. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Faculteit Diergeneeskunde: Gent. ISBN 978-90-5864-100-7. 153 pp., meer
Abstracts (7) [show] |
Wille, K.; Noppe, H.; Verheyden, K.; Vanden Bussche, J.; Vanhaecke, L.; De Wulf, E.; Van Caeter, P.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H.F. (2009). Determination of pharmaceuticals in water samples of the Belgian coastal zone and the Scheldt Estuary using LC-MS, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 6 March 2009: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 41: pp. 78, meer
Claessens, M.; Rappé, K.; Monteyne, E.; Wille, K.; Noppe, H.; Vincx, M.; De Brabander, H.; Roose, P.; Mees, J.; Janssen, C. (2008). INRAM - Integrated Risk Assessment and Monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium, 29 February 2008: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 40: pp. 37, meer
Noppe, H. (2007). Occurrence of hormones in the Scheldt estuary: an analytical challenge!, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 14, meer
Rappé, K.; Ghekiere, A.; Noppe, H.; Monteyne, E.; Fockedey, N.; Janssen, C.; De Brabander, H.; Roose, P.; Vincx, M. (2007). ENDIS-RISKS: endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary - a field study, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 53, meer
Noppe, H.; Poelmans, S.; Van Hoof, N.; Verslycke, T.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H. (2005). Endocriene verstoringen in het Schelde estuarium (1) = Endocrine disruptors in the Scheldt estuary (1), in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 50, meer
Verslycke, T.A.; Ghekiere, A.; Fockedey, N.; Roose, P.; De Wash, K.; Vethaak, A.D.; Monteyne, E.; Noppe, H.; Vincx, M.; De Brabander, H.; Janssen, C.R. (2004). The ENDIS-RISKS project: endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary: distribution, exposure and effects, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 84, meer
Verslycke, T.; Ghekiere, A.; Fockedey, N.; Roose, P.; De Wasch, K.; Vethaak, D.; Mees, J.; Monteyne, E.; Noppe, H.; Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vincx, M.; De Brabander, H.; Janssen, C.R. (2003). The Endis-Risks project: endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary: distribution, exposure and effects, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 28 February 2003: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 12: pp. 59, meer
Rapport [show] |
Janssen, C.R.; Ghekiere, A.; Verslycke, T.; Vincx, M.; Fockedey, N.; Rappé, K.; De Brabander, H.; Noppe, H.; Roose, P.; Monteyne, E.; Vethaak, D.; Mees, J.; Deneudt, K. (2007). Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary distribution, exposure and effects (ENDIS-RISKS). Final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussels. 106 pp., meer
Overige publicaties (2) [show] |
- Claessens, M.; Rappé, K.; Monteyne, E.; Wille, K.; Noppe, H.; Vincx, M.; De Brabander, H.; Roose, P.; Mees, J.; Janssen, C. (2008). INRAM - Integrated Risk Assessment and Monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone. Universiteit Gent: Gent. 1 poster pp., meer
- Noppe, H.; Ghekiere, A.; Verslycke, T.; De Wulf, E.; Verheyden, K.; Monteyne, E.; Polfliet, K.; Van Caeter, P.; Janssen, C.R.; De Brabander, H.F. (2006). Distribution and ecotoxicity of chlorotriazines in the Scheldt estuary (Belgium-Netherlands), in: Noppe, H. Analytiek van hormoon verstorende stoffen in milieumatrices = Analytics of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental matrices. pp. 85-105, meer